Thursday, September 27, 2018

Shutter Speed
Image result for photo taken at high shutter speed
high shutter speed
Image result for photo taken at lowshutter speed
low shutter speed

1. a) lower shutter speed
b)lower shutter speed with freeze motion
c)high shutter speed
d)high shutter speed
e)low shutter speed 
f)high shutter speed with freeze motion

a)high shutter speed with freeze motion
b)low shutter speed
c)high shutter speed
d)high shutter speed with freeze motion
e)low shutter speed
f)high shutter speed

2. Shutter Priority - The camera is set to shutter speed and on it's own picks the aperture
Manual - with manual you choose the shutter speed and aperture
Aperture Priority - the camera picks the shutter speed automatically


Image result for photo taken at aperture setting F2.8

a)We should relate our pupils to aperture and how they shrink and get bigger when exposed to light and dark
b)The smaller the aperture the darker the photo, the bigger the aperture the lighter a photo is
c)Aperture impacts Depth of Field by changing how sharp or blurred the photo is from front to back

Perspective Photo