Thursday, September 6, 2018

Prompt Shoot Inspiration

1. I think this photo has a good story behind it and shows a lot about the mood and inspiration towards football

2. I personally think its a very good photo but I'm pretty sure this is unfortunately a merger photo because it does fit any rules of photos

1. I also like the story behind this photo. both shows true love and passion towards football and it gives off a really good and sad vibe

2. I think this photo is rule of thirds, no not focusing on the sad player and police officer but the scores in the back, the upper right hand corner

3. The football field and classrooms and try to recreate these images

4. I want to go in classrooms in E hall or some fine art classrooms

5. I will try to find a story and purpose for every photo because I think thats the best thing a photographer can reach for, for an amazing photo

Academic Shoot Preview

The Story

I think photo tells a really great story, the kind of story that you can make up yourself. These students, they're seniors, about to graduate and start their adulthood life. Graduation in just 2 days, only a couple more days to really have fun in school before their whole childhood is washed away. They spend it playing one of the worlds best games from elementary school trying to relive when they were younger.

Action and Emotion

This girls face says it all. The expression . on her face shows how much fun she's trying to have, and she is. Excited to go off to college but even more excited for the next two days having endless fun. The action, up in the air she goes with a number of students tossing her high into the air, high into the future.

Filling The Frame

This photo is a couple of kids in their welding class making new amazing things. The story of what their making fills this frame. And the sparks, the sparks resemble of life in the kids who are creative and excited about learning to make new stuff and be prepared to show off whatever their minds have created.

Perspective Photo